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Topic review - FAQ
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  Post subject:  FAQ  Reply with quote
I signed up and can't log in, I didn't get any mails either

You can contact moderators or administrators via this board. It is free to post, so just asks your questions here.
We will resolve your problem ASAP.

Where's the porn? Is there some at all?

Muushi moved away from being an filesharing site and its admins and moderators delete any copyrighted content on sight.
If you are drawing yourself or know of freely distributable content you're free to post it though. Remember to credit its creators and, if possible, provide a link to their homepage.

If there's no porn, what's the site all about then?

Muushi is now a more social forum, a place for furs from all over the world to meet, chat, RP, show off their skills and have fun in general. We're currently small, but comfy with some quite awesome users. We're all nice and quite open-minded, so if you're interested, just sign up and see for yourself!

Where and whom can I ask questions if I have any?

This area here is open, you're free to post, ask questions and stuff, staff and/or forum members will answer your questions.
If your problem has been resolved the posts will be deleted to keep this area clean.
If the question proves to be of general interest it will be added to the FAQs.
Post Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:40 am

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